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Britain has been deporting people back to its former colonies at an alarming rate. In recent years, the British state introduced a set of policies intended to create a ‘hostile environment’ for immigrants. The policies have been called racist for their impact on Britain’s black communities, and have even led to deportations and harassment of the Windrush generation – Caribbean’s invited to help rebuild Britain after World War 2, and even their British-born children. This film follows those that have been targeted by Britain’s racist border policies. Children of the Windrush generation, Jamaican grandmothers with British children and grandchildren, and British-Jamaicans have ended up on the wrong side of the law being sent back to a country they have only known as children. The story is all the more shocking when put in the context of Britain’s colonisation and brutal enslavement of the Jamaican people, many of whom call on Britain to pay reparations for their crimes, not deportations.
This film was nominated for Best Documentary and Best Political Film at the 2021 Lovie Awards.
Director - Alex Morris
Shot by Ben Bennett and Henry Napier-Brown
Edit and Grade - Henry Napier-Brown
Produced for red.

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